My 2018 word is Rise.
Rise up to stand as me.
Rise up to the possibilities.
Rise up for my husband.
Rise up for my children.
Rise up for those around me.
Rise up for this world.
As the sun and moon rise each day, so shall I. As the waves rise, so shall I. Knowing I am supported fully for this path.
In the last few years, I’ve been given the gift of the deeper understanding of cycles, growth and truth of who I am, in both light and darkness. It’s been hard and a journey I haven’t talked about real deeply. This year I Rise. Every day. Not necessarily going and doing more, but being me fully. As I type this my stomach twists with the unknown while my heart leaps at the possibilities. I don’t know the details. I don’t know where it will go, but here I am.
2018- Rise.