Wellness support comes in many forms. One of my favorite forms is through essential oils,
alongside of a company that has a mindset of Wellness, Purpose and Abundance.
Now it is your turn!
I am so excited to help you get going. Let's get you started!
The best way to begin into a Young Living lifestyle of wellness is the premium starter kit. It comes with the best selection of oils, plus a diffuser and a wholesale account, so you can go and find products to fit your needs at any time you want, without waiting on anyone else.
The starter kit comes with:
• 11 of the most widely used essential oils
• A diffuser of your choice (I definitely recommend the Desert Mist!)
• Sample packets of our favorite antioxidant drink, Ningxia Red
• Sample packtet of our only household cleaner, Thieves Cleaner
• Cute little glass bottles
• Learning literature
• A spot on my “team”, aka an oily community known as An Oil for That. This is an endless support on how to get the very most out of your oils, plus overall wellness education. Basically, a big fun oily family. Just because you are a part of a team doesn't mean you have to sell anything. ;)
• Plus, wellness support from me!
As a wholesale member, you also get 24% off everything, always, which is hugely beneficial when you're like me and you want to dip your toe into slowly transforming your home, and lifestyle.
I can't wait for you to get started!
-To enroll with me and our team, CLICK HERE and make sure the number 1914125 appears in both the “Enroller” and “Sponsor ID” fields.
-Sign up as a Member, as this is how you are getting a starter kit & will therefore get 24% off retail prices.
(This does not mean you have to sell oils. It is definitely available to you as an option, especially as you start talking about your oils, but NEVER required.)
-Next you can choose to set up your Essential Rewards monthly autoship, we highly recommend this as a way to order those things you wish to have outside the kit and begin to cut toxins from your home with YL cleaning products & makeup. If you aren't ready for this step yet, no worries, this is something you can do later, as well.
-Select a shipping method. I suggest ground shipping the 3-5 day. For a bit more, it comes a bit sooner, and if you are like me you will be anxiously awaiting Santa, I mean the UPS man, to deliver your present.
Once you are all signed up, send me a message HERE and we can get you started with resources and fun!
What do we use oils for? For just about everything!! Whether you are looking for oils for bed time, for natural body support, for energy, for focus, for emotional support, for your kids, for cleaning naturally, for pets, for cooking, or even for the bedroom, the list is always growing, because "there is an oil for that." Plus, you will learn along the way that the best way to learn them is, wait for it, USE them! One of my missions is to help people learn and have access to resources, so you will also be able to get support from our amazing community and Facebook groups.
Why Young Living? YL has been around since the early 1990's, with leading the pack through quality, knowledge and testing. This is represented through their commitment to seed to seal. Young Living has theraputic grade oils, which basically is a fancy term for oils that have been distilled in a way that respects their power and tested in a way where science proves it will biologically support the body. Plus, they have a mindset for overall wellness, so their selection of oils totals over 180 PLUS an entire healthy makeup line, supplements, beauty care and home cleaning products. The commitment to making health a life style is real.
How do we use oils? We use oils all day, every day. There are three ways we use them. First, by diffusing! You will get a diffuser WITH your kit. Diffusing puts oils into the air making your house smell AMAZING plus when you smell the oils you absorb them in through the mucus membranes in your nose, which is super beneficial
How will I learn how to use my kit? You’ll get plenty of reading material with your kit, plus you’ll get access to our exclusive team website and facebook community which has tons of resources and people ready to help answer your questions. We have classes, books, live facebook hangouts & search functionality that will help you navigate through any questions you might have.
What should I get? Every time I recommend the PSK (premium starter kit), which comes with 11 of the most commonly used oils + your diffuser (I recommend the Desert Mist). It has an incredible value & provides you with everything you need to get started. You’ll get over $300 worth of product for only $160.
Do you have to order more oils monthly or sell them? Nope! Once you love your oils and your Young Living products, you can order whenever you want with your wholesale membership, which means you get a 24% discount! Plus, YL also offers Essential Rewards which is a program that really spoils the people who DO want a completely customizable monthly wellness box, but it is completely up to you. Also, as you start telling friends and family about what you are up to, you do have a personal referral link that gives you a thank you check, but you totally never have to use it!
I already have a Young Living account, what do I do? That's awesome. I'm so glad that you are already pursuing wellness. Your upline will be glad to help you get access to the resources you hopefully have. Not sure who it is? Check out your virtual office! Been some years? Awesome! Send me a message and we can see what will fit you best for getting you the support you need.
DISCLAIMER: Any suggestions made on this blog are very specific to Young Living essential oils and should not be used with oils from another source. Statements made on this website about Young Living Essential Oils have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products and information are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Anyone suffering from disease or injury should consult with a physician. If you are currently on medication, please do not stop.
Every cell in your body, every single living thing, has a vibrational frequency. When we consume things that have frequency (such as plants which are living things), we can increase our body's frequency which will increase our health.
- Healthy human body frequency: 62+ MHz
- Illness starts at 57-60 MHz
- Our bodies are receptive to cancer at 42 MHz
- Death begins at 25 MHz
- Essential oils have frequencies as well, which can raise our bodies’frequency. They range from 52-320 MHz
- One of the most important modalities of essential oils is their ability to raise our body’s frequency to a level where disease cannot exist
- Processed food: 0 MHz, meaning it does nothing positive for your health
- Raw, real food (things that are alive) are the only foods that will raise yourfrequency. This is why juicing rocks ;)
- The some essential oils with the highest frequencies are Rose (320 MHz), helichrysum (181 MHz), and frankincense (147 MHz)
- Negative thoughts decrease our frequency by up to 12 MHz
- A positive thought can increase our frequency by 10 MHz
- Prayer/meditation increase our frequency by 15 MHz