2015 New Year, New Goals
The beginning of a new year is upon us and it is always fun, and even sometimes not so fun, to look back on all that the past year has encountered. At a young age I realized that I didn't like the word resolution. Every New Year one was created, I would be gung-ho for a few weeks and then I would be on to something else. As I've gotten older, I'm sure that there are others just like me. People start out super enthused about this years "resolution" and then realize there is nothing in place to back in up.
Just like the year that I resolved to have BALANCE. HA! Without setting up a definition of what "balance" is, I had nothing. Sure enough... I am actually still sure that I don't have balance. Really, I'm not sure what that even looks like.
So this year, I am consciously doing things a little differently. No resolutions. Just goals. I'm setting goals for the New Year and beyond. Things that I want to accomplish. Dreams that I want to achieve. I am setting goals and writing them down. I'm also giving myself the how and establishing exactly what those goals look like. There will be no guessing. I will know when a goal has been achieved and I know how I am going to get there. I'm also giving myself room, allowing myself to change directions if I have to, but I will still have the goal in sight.
Before I really created my goals, I needed to I establish me. I wanted my goals to fit for me and my life. Are my values reflected in those goals? Wait! What are my values? So here it is, for the world. In all of its imperfect glory. Me. My definition.
Here's to a Happy New Year to you! Wishing you a fabulous year filled with amazing goals!