Essential oils are not all created equally. We are very fortunate to use the best for ourselves our families. Essential oils are categorized by a grading system. Young Living’s oils are the highest grade – 100% pure therapeutic. Therapeutic grade oils are pure and contain all of the medicinal properties of the oil. Nothing is added to them. Aromatherapy grade is purely for the smell. It is not recommended to use aromatherapy grade essential oils topically, and especially not internally. This is important to consider when you are shopping for oils.
In addition, Young Living offers a HUGE selection of oils! With 84 single oils, 79 oil blends, 5 roll on blends, 7 massage oils, multiple different oil collections, and a selection of 8 different home and travel diffusers, the options are endless. This makes it easy to find Young Living oils that are perfect for you, your family, and your home.
Meanwhile, to set themselves apart from the rest, Young Living stands by its Seed to Seal Quality Commitment. We highly encourage you to read about it HERE, but there isn’t another company on the market that can guarantee its products like Young Living. With over 20 years in the field, they have perfected essential oils and the distillation process. They own many of their own farms, including the largest essential oils distillery in the world. Plus, the ones that they don't own, they partner with to ensure that seed to seal is properly executed throughout the company.
Their quality truly speaks for itself!