Intentional Living Coach

Are you ready to create a heart-led, soul-led business that you love?
How about one that fits into a life you love?
Are you ready to own who you are so that you can show up more authentically?

What if you can do those things and be supported in the process?

That’s what this course is all about.

Over the next ten weeks, you will be gently guided and supported in showing up as yourself within your business and life, so that you can lead with authenticity and purpose, as you show up with intentional actions that are aligned with your heart.

Topics include:

(in no particular order)

  • Exploring your mind-body-spirit connection.
    How to reconnect and begin listening to discover what is actually being said within so that you have a solid foundation for understanding what it means to be YOU.

  • Understanding self love and seeing the role it has within your business.

  • Owning your light.
    Seeing and recognizing your strengths, weaknesses, passions and joy.

  • The energy of money.
    We will explore the role of money within our lives and the way we perceive money.

  • The art of surrender.
    How letting go of control often creates more space and expansion.

  • Taking intentional aligned action.

The course includes:

  • An EXCLUSIVE online Facebook Group for our intimate community,
    where you can ask questions and receive support.

  • Video lessons on the current topic

  • 6 live zoom calls each with a different topic and discussion,
    and an opportunity for live coaching and support.

  • One one-on-one session with me for personalized coaching with intuitive empathic guidance and support.

  • Meditations, activations, and listening to our hearts will also happen throughout.

    Is this for you?

    Are you wondering if this is a good match for you?
    Awesome! Let’s chat!
    I want this to be an amazing experience for everyone involved, so I would love to have

    the opportunity to chat with you.
    Please, reach out and contact me HERE.

    Hi! I’m Amanda.

    I began my career as an entrepreneur a long time ago. My first business started when I was in elementary school selling out of a catalog. I love being a business owner and helping others. My magic is in following my heart and literally going in whichever direction in takes me. However, for most of my careers, I had no idea that was the case. I believed it was luck.
    A few years ago, I was faced with the reality that I was pushing, striving, hustling, building in order to cover some deeper wounds. My life was great, I had a great marriage, lovely kids, a growing, thriving business, a home and more, but I came up feeling empty. I had all of the things and the life but inside I was incomplete. So, I dug in and began to do the internal work, the healing, to find my heart and soul again. Now, I have found that my gift is in teaching and holding space for others to do the same. As a coach, with a strong intuition and empathic skills, I love helping people help themselves in their desire to grow businesses and live intentionally.

    We are all being called to show up in authenticity, and in love.
    We can show up as ourselves, have the lives of our dreams and help others along the way.

    It is time for you to be you. To show up in your light, and know what that even means.

    You are right on time.

    The world is ready for YOU and the authenticity you bring.

    LOVE- Amanda